材质:铝板加贴反光膜 (背面可加滑槽,配抱箍与螺丝)
无法标明具体邮费.另外如需要开发票,本公司可以开具3%的普通税票。下单时请先跟我们这边联系与沟通!谢谢,祝您购物愉快!欢迎业务洽谈!邓小姐:15362628055 袁生:13714008171 龙生:15989688563 QQ:2107434517
Material: aluminum plate labeled with reflective film (the back can add chute, hoop and screw)
Specification: content and specification can be customized according to customer's requirements.
Aluminum plate thickness are: 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, etc.
Level of reflective film: advertising, engineering, super, taking, high strength, etc
Scope of application: national highway. The urban and rural roads. Car park. The park. The mining area. The plant, electric power facilities, construction sites and other public places.
About the other: (can be an offline communication)
This shop price is not the real price, specific contact customer service.
Due to the product of the freight is by weight is calculated by volume, so the postage can't precise calculation.Because inadequate freight set function to indicate the specific postage. This shop all the goods are not inclusive of delivery charges and tax bill.The freight is not accurate, need to consult us.In addition if need invoice, the company can issue 3% of average tax bill.To order please contact our side and communication!Thank you, I wish you a happy shopping!
Welcome business negotiations! Miss Deng:86+15362628055 Mr Yuan:86+13714008171
Mr Long:86+15989688563 QQ:2107434517