供应远距离激光红外灯 NG200L(图)
深圳大普激光科技有限公司是集激光、激光系统软硬件控制、光机电一体化、激光照明等技术开发的科技公司。 目前公司拥有相当数量各类高级技术开发人才,厂房占地面积10000多平方米,拥有各种大型机械加工设备和多条循环式生产作业流水线,目前产品远销欧洲、美洲、东南亚等地区; 公司开发主要产品有: 激光红外照明、高中低功率全固体激光器、激光演示器及激光演示系统等。 公司秉承"企业,人才为本;产品,质量为本;服务,诚信为本"理念,不断开发,不断进取,与时代科技同步,与光电产业共发展,力争将大普发展成根植国内,享誉世界的知名品牌。红外照明事业部,是大普激光新组建的部门,采用自身专有技术,如优质半导体激光器、匀化光学系统、专用激光电源、密封防护处理等,研发出远距离激光红外照明产品,红外照明事业部专业打造远距离红外照明,填补了国内无低价位远距离红外照明空白。 只有被模仿,从未被超越! Big Dipper Laser Science And Technology Company Ltd is a professional laser developing & manufacturing company in optical.,mechanical and electronic fields At present, BIG Dipper own various advanced technicians and over 10000 square meters workshop, several circulative production-lines and have all kinds of large-scale equipments. Big Dipper’s main products are software control systems, laser diode(DPSS) various in power and color and laser display systems. The products have been exported to Europe, America and EastSouth Asia etc. Infrared illumination Division is the new part of Big Dipper, according to the strong demand of market..Series of long-range laser infrared illumination products have been developed based on its exclusive technology, such as semiconductor laser、optical leveling system、special laser power supply, airproof&protection systerm etc. Infrared illumination Division have focused on long-distance infrared illumination products professionally and fill up the domestic blank that there is no long-distance infrared illumination. Big Dipper’s major goal is to provide our clients with high-quality products, novel design and excellent service. Our strategy for success is to supply the market with the latest and most advanced technologies to meet the satisfaction of market.. Always be imitated, never be surrnounted